Magic Story+

Unlock the Magic of Personalized Storytelling for Kids

$14.99 per month after a 30-day free trial. Cancel anytime.

Magic Story+ Subscription Benefits

  • 1 Credit Every Month

    Get 1 digital story each month - personalized to your child.

  • Original Music

    Access Magic Story's music collection anytime, anywhere.

  • Classics Library

    Unlock our “Classics” library, stories for the whole family!

  • Save on Printing

    Enjoy exclusive discounts on hard and soft cover book printing.

Magic Story+ App interface on mobile

Magic Story+ offers a unique collection of personalized books, educational story books, hardcover and softcover children’s books, all crafted to inspire imagination and growth. Experience personalized kid books that make perfect gifts and bring the magic of storytelling to your child’s life.

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